Actuals by Manual Entry


Manual Entry Quantity Claiming

There are times when you will want to enter quantities directly in InEight Control. Reasons include any time you do not want a foreman to have access to codes to charge against or claim quantities to. A more specific example may include indirect staff codes or indirect costs that you do not want your foreman who are claiming progress in the field to have access to.

Any time you claim a cost item directly in InEight Control, the option will not be available to claim that cost item within InEight Plan.

Next, you will do a Step by Step for entering quantities in Control.

Quantity Claiming by Manual Entry

  1. From the Control Workspaces page CBS tab, select the Progress view.

    Before claiming quantities for a cost item, make sure the Hide in Plan and Progress column is checked. 

  2. In the Actuals data block, double click on the Actual qty (To Date) cell of the Module [your initials] – [description] cost item.

    • The Claim actuals slide out panel appears

  3. Type 1000 in the Claimed quantity text box.

  4. Click the Calendar icon.

  5. Select the desired date.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. To review the claiming history, select the Actuals History tab.

  8. To review the changes, select the Audit Log tab.

    • Changes are visible in the CBS Audit Log

    You can enter negative quantities when claiming in Control. 

Manual Entry Man-Hour Adjustment

To manually enter actual labor costs, you will need to adjust the man-hours. The following Step by Step shows how to make a manual man-hour adjustment in Control.

Man-Hour Adjustment by Manual Entry

  1. On the Control Workspaces CBS tab, select the Progress view.

  2. In the Actuals data block, double click on the Actual qty (To Date) cell of the Module [your initials] – [description].

    • The Claim actuals slide out panel appears

  3. Select the Man-Hours tab.

  4. Type 40 in the Number of hour’s text box.

  5. Select the date.

  6. Type [a name]in the Employee Name text box.

  7. Type 0123456 in the Employee ID Number text box.

  8. Select Apply.